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with Caró & Yasmin

Come and visit autumn

the REAL School way! 


Leaves are falling from trees, the weather calls for a scarf, a jacket and boots, and all we can think about is how much fun we are going to have with this season! The smell of the fresh wet ground, a burning log, a warm tea and the magic kingdom of mushrooms are calling from the deepest woods... and we would love to take you on this journey! 

Signup deadline

15th October 



6 - 12 years

21 - 25 October 2019

9:00 - 16:00

HUF 50,000 for the week,
including plant-based lunch


What to do with all that pumpkin? Well, nothing better than the old fashion way of heating a house of course - cooking! And, what can we do you might ask...? Soups, pies and everything nice. In the afternoon, let’s take some nature inside and discover its forms and details through eco-printing using leaves, flowers and rusty nails.


We’ll kick off this amazing week with games and dynamics to get to know each other and our surroundings, and explore together the best way to cooperate for the adventure ahead. In the afternoon we’ll create a big nature mural.


It’s always powerful to get back to a place where we have been before and feel it again on another day. Getting back to the island will allow seeing past what came to our first sight. This time we might dance and sing with the elves and the fairies, the workers of this forest, and they might even guide us into creating a cool nature item for carrying all our treasures.


The adventure moves to the island, where we’ll be looking around for tree-keepers, those magical creatures that always seem to appear whenever the mushrooms are out. After a warm lunch back indoors, pumpkins will await for our carving skills - who knows if a carving challenge might come up! Daunting creatures are around the counter!


Today it’s the day we finish all our endeavours, the mural we started can be recreated with new eyes, new experiences, maybe even with new dyes. Our big goodbye Autumn Party will be open for all the ones who would like to come and enjoy the result of our week together, so we celebrate and enjoy the arrival of a new season.

Please contact us if you have any questions, send us an email to,

or just go ahead and sign up online.

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